GENERAL INTEREST Aaron by Gregory D. Landweber Give your desktop the high tech look of Apple’s forthcoming all-new Copland (aka System 8). Aaron gives your windows, radio buttons and menus a 3D look with gray accent colors and a stylish font! Espi replaces clunky old Chicago in menus and window titles. You won’t believe how refreshing a change of interface can be! (For more Finder customizing, see Aurora, included with this volume.) System Extension Arriba UltraLite v3.6 by Jim Moore Find it quickly with Arriba! Whether it’s on a hard drive or a CD, Arriba finds it fast! It even lets you choose special search options. You can search by modified date, by type and even by attributes (handy when you need to find invisible files). Just launch the application! For extra convenience, put an alias to Arriba in your Apple Menu Items folder. Aurora by Mike Pinkerton This fun Control Panel gives you full control over the colors used in windows, buttons, scroll bars and menus. Want a mauve menu? Or teal type? Or how about wine red windows? With Aurora, you can combine any colors your heart’s content. Make your Mac truly yours. Control Panel Quadrangle by Michael & Michelle This three dimensional view of the Quadrangle at the University of Sydney was created using Apple’s QuickTime VR technology. QuickTime VR (Virtual Reality) is Apple’s hot new multimedia authoring technology which can be used to create navigable three dimensional images from a group of ordinary photos! We’re happy to give you this sneak peek at the technology which is revolutionizing multimedia! In order to explore this image, simply click and drag the mouse to move around. Use the CONTROL and OPTION keys to zoom in and out. ShareDraw by Peirce Software ShareDraw is the best shareware drawing program on the market and one of the best drawing programs we’ve ever seen! It’s filled with sophisticated features. It comes with a complete complement of shapes, a sophisticated arrange menu, allows you to work in layers and more! Import andexport PICT and EPS images (with or without PICT preview) and work with MacPaint images. ShareDraw has excellent on-line help and fantastic tutorials. Beginners can quickly improve their skills. It’s a complete and extremely polished program. Computer Ed ’Zine #7 by Luke Czo This month’s edition of the hottest E-Mag in cyberspace includes reviews of Rebel Assault and Conflict Catcher 3. You also get news, rumors and gossip about all things Macintosh! DepthApplet by David Hochhauser Change color mode and depth instantly with this small floating palette! Because this program is an application and not an extension, it doesn’t stay in memory. Set it up by double-clicking the application or by putting an alias in your Startup Items folder. You can even configure it through the preferences menu option to remember its position between quits, and to quit automatically after each depth change. Pocketwatch by Ed Ludwig Here’s a nice bit of nostalgia for this computer age. Pocketwatch is exactly that — a beautiful pocket watch complete with hour, minute and second hands. For those days when you need a slower pace, turn off the menu-bar clock and run this small (384K System memory) application. Very soothing. PopupCD by John Brochu Here’s a great improvement on Apple’s CD Audio Player. Just install this Control Panel and you’ll have a better CD controller at your fingertips. A simple key combination plus a mouse click and PopupCD’s excellent interface pops up on your screen. Using the 3D controls is a pleasure. It only takes a quick key combination to pause or restart your CD. VedauwooVR by Mike Weiland You need a vacation and we’re giving you one! A virtual vacation, that is, to the Vedauwoo Recreation Area (near Laramie, Wyoming). VedauwooVR uses Apple’s hot new QuickTime VR to create a 360 degree panorama you can explore with your mouse. See if you can find the author hiding in the trees! Hot Tip: Use the CONTROL and OPTION keys to zoom in and out.